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  Suit alleges illegal destruction of state e-mails
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Last EditedRP  Jan 10, 2008 03:05pm
News DateJan 09, 2008 03:00pm
DescriptionScott Eckersley, a lawyer fired from Gov. Matt Blunt's office, filed a suit today that accuses several top Blunt aides of ordering the illegal destruction of state e-mails to prevent potentially damaging messages from being turned over to reporters.

The suit contends that Eckersley was fired for repeatedly pressing Blunt aides with warnings that such orders violated state record-retention and open-records laws. Eckersley's firing violated state law protecting whistle-blowers, according to the lawsuit.

Filed in Jackson County Circuit Court, the suit names Blunt, three former or current top aides and the deputy Office of Administration commissioner, Richard AuBuchon.
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