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  NY Open Seat Has Few Takers, at Least for Now
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedBuddy  Jan 01, 2008 08:35am
News DateDec 30, 2007 08:00am
DescriptionThree months after Democratic Rep. Michael R. McNulty ’s startling announcement that he would retire from New York’s 21st Congressional District, the large cast of potential candidates has yet to materialize into actual entrants for the Albany area seat.

CQ Politics rates the district as Safe Democrat.

So far, only one Democrat has entered the race, while another has sworn off a congressional run. Albany County legislator Phil Steck, chair of the Colonie Town Democratic Party, announced he will seek the Democratic nomination for the 21st District. State Sen. Neil Breslin, who was considered a strong potential candidate, announced Dec. 14 that he would seek re-election to the state legislature. Breslin said he thought Democrats could gain control of the state Senate in 2008 and that he was interested in serving in the majority.
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