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  Justice Clinton?
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Last EditedJ.R.  Dec 16, 2007 10:02am
News DateDec 15, 2007 10:00am
DescriptionHillary Clinton's commanding lead in the polls has diminished, and with Oprah Winfrey stumping for Barack Obama, she's called increasingly on the "star power" of husband Bill. But the ubiquitous presence of the former president on the campaign prompts a question: What will Hillary do with Bill if she is elected?

Of course, one might say Hillary has been wondering what to do with Bill for quite some time. But Mr. Clinton's prominent role in his wife's campaign -- whether going head to head with Oprah for airtime or defending Hillary from "swift-boat-like attacks" from rival Democrats -- has renewed the question: What exactly will he be doing on Jan. 21, 2009?

So if neither a Senate nor executive position will do, what does work? While it's probably not something the Hillary campaign would want us to contemplate, we should remember that there are three branches of government, and that it is widely anticipated that there will be one or more vacancies on the Supreme Court during the next presidential term.
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