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  Scientists try to clone extinct Tasmanian tiger
Parent(s) User  -
ContributorU Ole Polecat 
Last EditedU Ole Polecat  Oct 09, 2003 12:58pm
News DateMay 28, 2002 12:00am
Description<in case anyone was wondering what my icon/photo is...I am an advocate of utilizing cloning technology for a number of uses besides that which I support in this article>

From the article:
"Australian scientists say they may have found a way to bring the extinct Tasmanian tiger back to life.

The last known sighting of a Tasmanian tiger was in 1936 when the last one died in captivity. The animal, which is also known as the thylacine, was hunted as vermin.

The scientists say they hope a Tasmanian tiger could be born in 2010.

If the animal can be successfully cloned, it may pave the way for a viable population and the return of other extinct species."
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