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  Young Maupin will lead recall effort
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Sep 04, 2007 04:21pm
News DateSep 04, 2007 04:20pm
Description20 Year old Jarrett B. Maupin, a former mayoral candidate who was kicked off the ballot when the city invalidated thousands of his signatures, is promising to recall Mayor Phil Gordon if he is reelected this month.

"The city deserves a fair election that hasn't been tainted," said Maupin, who has accused the mayor of "dirty tricks" in knocking him off the ballot.

By law, Maupin would have to wait six months before initiating a recall effort. From there, he would have to gather 14,000 signatures from registered voters. Maupin doesn't sound daunted by that figure, even though he failed to get the necessary 1,500 valid signatures, according to the City Clerk.
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