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  [IL Rep] LaHood stays put
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Last EditedArmyDem  Jul 10, 2007 03:27pm
News DateJul 10, 2007 03:00pm
DescriptionBy Klaus Marre
July 10, 2007

Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) Tuesday said he does not want to be considered as a candidate to become president of Bradley University.

“I have met this week with the community leaders who had approached me about applying for the position of president of Bradley University,” he said. “I am tremendously honored that I was approached about the possibility of submitting my name.”

LaHood is a 1971 graduate of the university, and while he said he considered it a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to lead Bradley, he decided against submitting his name as a candidate for a job that would have taken him away from Congress.

“I have based this decision on the information I have heard from these community leaders and people familiar with the search process,” LaHood added. “I have not based this decision on media reports regarding the search nor on reports of potential finalists for the job.”
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