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  Georges Pompidou's widow, Claude, dies, aged 94
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jul 03, 2007 07:17am
News DateJul 03, 2007 07:00am
DescriptionPARIS: French former first lady Claude Pompidou, the widow of President Georges Pompidou, died Tuesday in Paris, her foundation said. She was 94.

The foundation did not give a cause of death. President Georges Pompidou died in office on April 2, 1974.

President Nicolas Sarkozy hailed Claude Pompidou as "a very great lady" who "brought honor to our country." But he also said she "suffered because she did not always appreciate the very cruel side of political life."

Sarkozy said he had met her a few days after his May 6 election.
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