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  What's wrong with a clutter of candidates?
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  May 14, 2007 05:08pm
News DateMay 14, 2007 05:00pm
DescriptionIn more than one presidential election, I've walked into the polling booth, looked at the names on the ballot, crumpled to my knees in anguish, sobbed inconsolably and cried to the heavens, "Are those the only choices?" OK, maybe I don't go through all the theatrics, and probably you don't, either, but we both know the feeling.

Well, the campaign gods must have been listening, because this year, we have more candidates than the Everglades has alligators. This abundance can be inconvenient, as when I picked up The New York Times the morning after the GOP presidential debate, saw a photo of the 10 participants, and realized I didn't know half of them from the clerk at Ace Hardware.

But having to bone up so you can distinguish Rep. Duncan Hunter of California from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is a small price to pay for an array of options in the Republican primaries. The Democrats also have a crowded field. In the next debate, seven of them will divvy up 10 percent of the allotted time, and Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden will take the rest.
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