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  IRS commissioner to lead Red Cross
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Apr 18, 2007 02:03pm
News DateApr 18, 2007 02:00pm
DescriptionNEW YORK - The American Red Cross selected Mark Everson, the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, to be its new president Wednesday, filling the post as the charity restructures itself after intense criticism over its response to Hurricane Katrina.

The Red Cross had been led by an interim president, Jack McGuire, since December 2005, when Marsha Evans resigned because of friction with the charity's board of governors. Her resignation coincided with congressional hearings assailing the Red Cross's uneven performance in Katrina's aftermath.

Everson, 52, who will take the Red Cross post on May 29, has served as IRS commissioner since May 2003. He previously was a vice president of SC International, a $2 billion food services company, and an executive with the French industrial group Pechiney.
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