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  Duceppe celebrating his 10th anniversary at the helm of the Bloc Quebecois
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Last EditedMonsieur  Mar 17, 2007 10:00am
News DateMar 16, 2007 09:00am
DescriptionOTTAWA (CP) - English Canada's enduring image of Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe is of him wearing a hairnet in a cheese factory in the 1997 election campaign.

At the time, Duceppe was viewed as an inexperienced leader who didn't inspire much confidence. That image also didn't escape the sharp pens of Quebec editorial cartoonists.

Ten years later, Duceppe is celebrating a decade as leader of the separatist party and is firmly installed as its leader.

"It has left its mark," Duceppe said of the infamous hairnet photo.

"People were saying he will not be able to get over that; it's impossible to make a second first impression," the Bloc leader said in an interview with The Canadian Press.
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