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  Right now, is Donald Payne New Jersey's most vulnerable Congressman?
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Mar 17, 2007 03:00am
CategoryBlog Entry
News DateMar 15, 2007 09:40am
DescriptionWhile Democrats seem to be focused on Linda Stender’s rematch with Mike Ferguson, the most vulnerable incumbent in New Jersey’s thirteen-member congressional delegation could be Donald Payne.

The ten-term Congressman remains politically estranged from the most powerful man in his district, Newark Mayor Cory Booker. His brother is challenging Booker’s candidate for State Senate in the 29th district, and his nephew is running on an opposition slate for Assemblyman in the 28th district.

If Booker decides he wants to new Congressman representing Newark, the 72-year-old Payne could have a problem in the 2008 Democratic primary.

Payne gets how the game is played. He backed Sharpe James for Mayor in 1986, while the nineteen-term Congressman Peter Rodino supported his ally, incumbent Kenneth Gibson. Gibson had backed Rodino, a white man in a black-majority district, in primary challenges from ex-Assemblyman George Richardson in 1972, and against Payne in 1980 (Rodino won 62%-23%, with 12% for former East Orange Municipal Court Judge Golden Johnson.)

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