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  Upper Bann: SF leapfrogs over Simpson
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Last EditedSome say...  Mar 08, 2007 06:03pm
News DateMar 08, 2007 06:00pm
DescriptionIn a startling turnaround, Sinn Fein topped the poll in the Unionist stronghold of Upper Bann.

Sitting Assembly member John O’Dowd 7,733 first preference votes, coming in comfortably over the quota of 6,127 and leapfrogging over DUP MP David Simpson, who took second place with 6,828 first preference votes.

While sitting Assembly members Dolores Kelly (SDLP) Samuel Gardiner (UUP) are predicted to retain their seats, DUP candidate Junior McCrum steals a seat from his party colleague Stephen Moutray. However, victory still has a chance for a second UUP position.
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