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  Napolitano's big victory not mandate, GOP says
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Nov 24, 2006 03:29pm
News DateNov 18, 2006 03:00pm
DescriptionPHOENIX - Key Republican lawmakers said Friday they have no intention to bow to Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano's agenda, despite her statements that her big re-election win gives her a mandate.

And one top Republican leader said illegal immigration, an issue that saw GOP lawmakers and the governor battle nearly the entire 2006 session, will again be prominent on GOP lawmakers' to-do list in 2007.

"If you don't know it's the most important issue in Arizona, you're living somewhere else," House Speaker Jim Weiers, R-Phoenix, said. "People want to see results, and they want to see them now."

While Napolitano won re-election Nov. 7 and Democrats captured a still-undetermined number of additional legislative seats as vote-counting continued Friday, Republican maintained their majorities of both the House and Senate.

Napolitano's 27 percentage-point win over Republican Len Munsil doesn't amount to a mandate for her own wish list, which includes expanding health care programs, because she ran on Republican priorities such as cutting taxes, improving the state's fiscal health and enhancing border security, Senate Majority Leader-elect Thayer Verschoor said.
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