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  Sen. Stevens Casts Rumors Aside, Will Seek Re-election in Alaska
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedServo  Nov 17, 2006 09:58am
News DateNov 16, 2006 09:00am
DescriptionVeteran Republican Sen. Ted Stevens announced yesterday that he will be running for re-election in 2008 at the age of 84, ending speculation about a possible retirement.

“Serving Alaska in the United States Senate continues to be the greatest honor of my life, and that is why in 2008 I intend to once again ask the voters of Alaska to allow me to represent them,” Stevens said in a statement Wednesday.

Stevens — who was appointed in 1968 and elected in his own right two years later — is nearing 40 years in the Senate, where he has earned a reputation for his strong-willed nature and an equally strong temper.
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