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  Bill Halter, of course
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedDFWDem  Oct 31, 2006 06:38pm
News DateOct 31, 2006 06:00pm
DescriptionYOU DIDN’T think we would come out for the other guy, did you? We couldn’t very well fail to sound the alarm as an ideologue homed in on the lieutenant governor’s office like a torpedo. That would be a dereliction of duty.

Please, Mr. and Ms. Voter, spare us four years of having a lieutenant governor who could be relied on to demagogue every issue that came his way-from ILLEGAL ALIENS! to that notorious Soviet plot, the minimum wage.

Elect Bill Halter instead, and we’ll all sleep easier. There’s scarcely a clearer choice on the ballot.

Jim Holt’s quietly hysterical politics would be almost amusing if they were on display in some offbeat museum devoted to political oddities from an entirely too colorful past. He’s a kind of remake of good ol’ and safely retired Jim Johnson, another fixture of the Furious Fifties, only without Justice Jim’s oratorical skills, thank goodness. But installed in public office, especially in the state’s second-highest public office, Jim Holt would have a platform and a megaphone. He’d be a provocation waiting to happen-like an alarm clock set to go off at the most inconvenient hours. Just when we need to attract industry (and when don’t we?) he’d be a public relations nightmare.

(“Good morning, Mr. CEO, meet our strangely calm zealot of a lieutenant governor.”)

What would having Jim Holt as lieutenant governor be like? We imagine it would be like having one of those glassyeyed figures in a wax museum coming to life and starting to issue endless pronunciamentos against A Runaway Judiciary That’s More Threatening Than Al-Qaida ! Homosexuals Who Violate the Laws of Nature and Nature’s Darwin! ILLEGAL ALIENS! Our Children’s Morals Are Being Undermined by Teaching Them to Play With Subversive Tinkertoys Instead of Good Old-Fashioned Lincoln Logs!

(Okay, we made that last one up, but it fits right in, don’t you think?)
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