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  Shimkus blasts back at questions about Foley
Parent(s) Candidate  -
Last EditedRP  Oct 04, 2006 01:05pm
News DateOct 04, 2006 01:00pm
Description In the interview Tuesday, Shimkus responded tersely to a suggestion by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., that Shimkus should resign as head of the House Page Board.

"Senator Durbin ought to keep his nose out of House business and be the Democratic leader of the minority party in the Senate," Shimkus said.

The other two members of the House Page Board - one Democrat, one Republican - have complained that they weren't informed of the parents' concerns at the time.

Asked whether that made it look like a political cover-up, Shimkus said: "Bull--, what I regret is that now it's used for the political expediency, for a political agenda by the Democrats. Anybody who knows me knows that I wouldn't do anything to assault or hurt these kids.

"I put more time in to protect these kids than anyone. For these people to try to take me down because of this is unconscionable. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. For my former friends who are Democrats and who are leading this charge, I know what their true values are."

Shimkus accused the media of falling for what he said is a pre-election Democratic ploy.
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