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  Dazed and despondent in the 17th [WA House]
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRalphie  Sep 23, 2006 11:34am
News DateSep 22, 2006 11:00am
DescriptionDazed Clark County Democrats are trying to figure out what it was voters in the 17th Legislative District were thinking, or if they were thinking at all, in Tuesday's primary.

Once they finish slogging through that bog, they and future candidates in both parties have a bigger issue on the table: Does Pat Campbell's winning campaign, run with low effort on a next-to-nothing budget, suggest a shift in how future campaigns will be run?

Democrats are not only dazed, they're also despondent, because they're convinced the real winner in that contested Democratic primary was neither Campbell nor Jack Burkman, but Republican incumbent Jim Dunn, the portly, low-energy-campaigner with the good-old-Louisiana-boy persona who will face Campbell in the November election.

"I have not seen such a mass suicide since Jim Jones fed his flock poison Kool-Aid in Guyana," said David Nierenberg, an east county political activist, philanthropist and booster of schools and other civic causes. He said Democrats in the 17th, which is between I-205 and Camas, "tossed out a terrific candidate and a probable winner for the certainty of a loss in November."
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