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  Minnesota Governor: Pawlenty on the Rebound
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedImperator  Sep 03, 2006 06:24pm
News DateAug 07, 2006 06:00pm
DescriptionIn an eye-catching rebound, Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty has overtaken DFL Attorney General Mike Hatch in his bid for reelection. Results of the latest Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely Minnesota voters show the incumbent governor now leading Hatch 46% to 36% (see crosstabs). The previous survey at the end of June showed Hatch in the lead 47% to 42%. (The DFL, or Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, is Minnesota's equivalent of the Democratic Party.)

Independence Party candidate Peter Hutchinson earns support from 6% of those surveyed and 12% remain undecided. This is the first Rasmussen Reports Minnesota survey to include Hutchinson as an option.

The addition of Hutchinson to the poll may account for some of the slide in Hatch’s support. Eighteen percent (18%) of Democrats now say they will vote third party or are undecided. That’s up from 10% in the previous survey.

Also, opinion of Hatch has slipped a bit statewide. In our previous survey, Hatch was viewed “very favorably” by 20% of voters. That has slipped to 14% in the current survey. Thirteen percent (13%) have a “very unfavorable” opinion. Overall, the number with a somewhat or very unfavorable opinion of Hatch has climbed five points in the past month to 38%.
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