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  Cantwell loses endorsement to Tran in 32nd LD
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRalphie  Aug 14, 2006 11:56pm
CategoryBlog Entry
News DateAug 13, 2006 11:00pm
DescriptionLast night (August 12th) the 32nd LD Democrats held their official Endorsement Meeting. When the votes were counted, Hong Tran stood alone with their endorsement for US Senate.

Even with letters from State Representatives Maralyn Chase and Ruth Kagi recommending the endorsement of Maria Cantwell being read to the assembled members, and with "Progressive surrogate" Mark Wilson in attendance, Senator Cantwell could not acheive enough votes to receive the approval of this decidedly Progressive district.

Endorsements Chair, Harry George, told me that Hong Tran presented herself and her stands on the issues well and stood up well to the questioning of the members in receiveing a pretty solid majority vote for her endorsement. Senator Cantwell, on the other hand, did herself no great favor by sending out surrogates who had no real defense of her votes for the Patriot Act, NAFTA/CAFTA/OFTA, and (of course) Iraq. Harry was quick to point out that the debate last night was quite diverse and that Iraq only played a small part in the voting.
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