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  Ohio Reform Nominations.
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Last EditedChronicler  Jul 31, 2006 06:02pm
News DateAug 23, 1899 06:00pm
DescriptionNew York Times 8-23-1899

Full Ticket Named – Jones’s Following in a Hopeless Minority and Gave Him But Twenty-Six Votes.

Columbus, Ohio. Aug. 22. – The Union Reform Party to-day nominated the following State ticket:

Governor – Seth H. Ellis of Warren County.

Lieutenant Governor – G.W. Seelye of Wayne.

Auditor – Frank S. Montgomery of Franklin.

Judge of Supreme Court – A.R. McIntyre of Knox.

Attorney General – Thomas Batham of Hamilton.

Board of Public Works – A.A. Weaver of Putnam.

There were about 400 delegates present, representing all but three or four of the eighty-eight in the State. The faction which favored the endorsement of Mayor Jones of Toledo for Governor was in a hopeless minority, and it made a desperate attempt to turn the convention into a farce, but without success. On the first ballot for Governor, Mayor Jones, whose name had been presented, received only twenty-six votes out of a total of 562. The platform adopted contained but a single plank: ‘Direct legislation under the system known as the initiative and referendum.’

Seth H. Ellis, the nominee for Governor, is a well-known farmer, prominent in the State and National Grange. G.W. Seelye, his running mate, is a Professor of Greek in Wooster University.

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