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  Opponent Accuses Senator Of Frequenting Strip Club
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jul 28, 2006 01:38pm
News DateJul 28, 2006 01:35pm
DescriptionJACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- More than a month before the start of the Florida primary, one race to watch is the battle for the Republican nomination for Jacksonville's Senate seat.

The latest skirmish has candidate Randall Terry accusing incumbent Jim King of having the backing of a bikini bar.

Terry, 46, who has lived in Ponte Vedra Beach for three years, will run against King in the heavily Republican district that stretches from Duval County to northern Volusia County.

In a move Terry called disappointing and sad, Gov. Jeb Bush publicly announced Wednesday that he is endorsing King.

King has served in the Legislature since 1986, which was the last time he had a primary opponent. He was Senate president in 2003 and 2004.

Terry recently struck back, accusing King of taking contributions from a Jacksonville gentlemen's club called Wackos.

"He (King) offered money to see private parts and to see more than what I was showing," said a woman who said she used to be a dancer at Wackos.
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