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  Bolivia says workshop front for U.S. spies
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jun 25, 2006 02:23pm
News DateJun 23, 2006 02:00pm
DescriptionLA PAZ, Bolivia - Students attending a conflict resolution course in this politically tumultuous Andean nation got some unexpected extracurricular experience when Bolivia's leftist government accused the program's sponsor of being a front for U.S. spies.

The accusations came in a six-page Bolivian intelligence report riddled with grammatical errors. It claimed one of the course's local coordinators is a CIA agent.

The report was sent to reporters by e-mail on Thursday, two days after President Evo Morales claimed U.S. troops were sneaking into Bolivia disguised as students and tourists.

Morales' charges come amid increasingly strained U.S.-Bolivian relations. Morales is getting cozier with Venezuela and Cuba and shunning U.S. diplomats ahead of a July 2 vote to elect an assembly that will rewrite the constitution.

The U.S. Embassy called the government's accusations "unfounded" and the course's sponsor, the Alexandria, Virginia-based Alliance for Conflict Transformation, denied claims that it was an office of the State Department with links to the Pentagon.
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