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  Not the News you want Just Before a Primary
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Last EditedChronicler  May 01, 2006 06:59am
News DateMay 01, 2006 06:00am
DescriptionAccording to the Washington Post on Saturday, "federal prosecutors signaled this week that they have decided to pursue a wide range of allegations about dealings between Rep. Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) and lobbyist Jack Abramoff, rather than bringing a narrowly focused bribery case against the Congressman." Ney's attorney Mark Tuohey told the newspaper he "has been in talks with Justice Department officials and expects to know within a month or two whether Ney will face criminal charges." Ney is favored over financial analyst James Harris in Tuesday's primary. Ney's real contest will come in November, when he faces the winner of the highly competitive Democratic primary. Race rating: Leans GOP.
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