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   Ted Brown Dies at 78; Ohio Secretary of State
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Last EditedChronicler  Apr 19, 2006 06:11am
News DateAug 21, 1984 06:10am
DescriptionTed Brown Dies at 78; Ohio Secretary of State

Published: August 21, 1984

Ted W. Brown, the former Ohio Secretary of State who held the office for 28 years, died of cancer today at his home. He was 78 years old.

Mr. Brown's political career ended in 1978 when he lost his bid to be re- elected the state's chief election officer to Anthony J. Celebrezze Jr., a Democrat who is now the State Attorney General. Mr. Brown retired, though he briefly entered the 1982 Republican primary.

His public service began with his election as Clark County recorder in 1933, an office he held for two terms. He was first elected secretary of state in 1950. In 1958 he was the only Republican to win a statewide office as Democrats swept in on a right-to-work issue. In 1964 he made an unsuccessful bid to be his party's United States Senate candidate.

Mr. Brown is survived by his wife and three daughters.
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