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  CA 50: The Ballot Might Hurt Busby
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedRP  Apr 11, 2006 04:12pm
News DateApr 11, 2006 04:00pm
DescriptionThere are four special election ballots, one of each of the assembly districts in the CD. In each ballot -- all randomly chosen -- Francine Busby's name appears toward the bottom of the ballot, and below the other Democrat who's running (Chris Young).

Busby has raised her name ID quickly with much direct mail, and TV/radio advertisements district-wide. But could a small number of Dems simply vote for the first Democrat listed?

The leading GOP candidates (Bilbray, Roach, Kaloogian) are also all bunched together in the middle of the ballot. Among credible candidates, only state Sen. Bill Morrow (R) has favorable placement on the ballots (he's at the very top and bottom on two of them).
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