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  Crane endorses Salvi as GOP's best hope to beat Bean
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Mar 10, 2006 12:01am
News DateMar 09, 2006 12:00am
DescriptionFormer longtime U.S. Rep. Phil Crane on Wednesday endorsed Republican primary candidate Kathy Salvi in the northwest suburban 8th Congressional District, saying it was essential that GOP voters nominate someone who can defeat freshman Democratic Rep. Melissa Bean in November.

"Kathy is a bright, engaging, energetic and appealing candidate who stands strongly on our core Republican values," Crane said in a prepared statement. "I believe she can defeat Melissa Bean in the general election and bring the 8th back into the Republican fold."

Crane, a former history teacher from Wauconda who held the 8th District seat for more than 30 years, lost two years ago to Bean, a Barrington businesswoman. Bean capitalized on the district's changing demographics and voter disenchantment with Crane's performance at home to oust him.

The November contest is expected to be one of the country's most expensive, with national officials from both political parties helping finance the race.

Salvi, a personal-injury attorney from Wauconda, is among six candidates seeking the GOP nomination in the March 21 primary.

"Kathy is honored to have the support of Congressman Crane," said Jason Heffley, her campaign manager. "She hopes to follow in his tradition of tax fighting and spending cuts in Washington."
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