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  Rhode Island Senate: Chafee (R) in Competitive Race
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedJ.R.  Feb 11, 2006 01:24pm
News DateFeb 11, 2006 01:00pm
DescriptionFebruary 11, 2006--Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee (R) does not break through the 50% level of voter support when matched against two potential challengers in a Rasmussen Reports Election Poll. Any incumbent who polls below 50% is potentially vulnerable. This is especially true for an incumbent whose voters generally prefer the other party in statewide and Presidential elections.

Chafee leads Secretary of State Matt Brown (D) by just seven percentage points, 47% to 40%. The incumbent has a 12-point lead on former Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse, 50% to 38% (see crosstabs).

Chafee also faces a primary challenge from Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey (R). A Laffey upset in that primary would very likely mean a victory for the Democrats in the general election. Laffey trails Brown by 24 points and Whitehouse by 25 (see crosstabs).
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