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  Financier begins GOP gubernatorial bid (AZ)
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Feb 01, 2006 11:17am
News DateFeb 01, 2006 11:00am
DescriptionMike Harris, managing director at Scottsdale's AMT Capital Partners LLC, Monday launched his Republican gubernatorial campaign.

Harris will challenge Democratic incumbent Janet Napolitano, who thus far has been heavily favored in the polls. He has never held public office, but Harris served as the finance chair for the Republican Party during the 1994 election cycle.

Harris said he was motivated to run for governor because of a weak Republican field and a desire to tackle issues the governor hasn't.

"I looked at the Republican field and wasn't impressed by their chances," he said Monday. "I didn't think anyone running could beat her."
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