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  Poor hunting season likely Bush's fault
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ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  Jan 23, 2006 04:40pm
News DateJan 23, 2006 04:40pm
DescriptionI am an old man and have hunted since I was big enough to carry a gun. I have enjoyed some success over the years; however this has been a terrible deer season. I can't see one, much less shoot at one.

But I figure the problem has to be President Bush. Since he has been blamed for 9-11, the tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, all the thousands Saddam murdered, and anything else the Democrats can think of, I might as well join the crowd.

I know that Hillary and all the other liberal Democrats will quickly identify my problem. They will tell me that my stand is in the wrong place, I'm hunting on the wrong day of the week, and the moon is in the wrong phase. Not once will they come up with a solution and tell me where to place my stand, what day of the week to hunt, or what is the right phase of the moon.

I am thoroughly disgusted with politics and deer hunting. I think I will just take up fishing. I just hope the CIA, FBI and any other secret government agency doesn't bug my tackle box and then have some rat sworn to secrecy squeal and tell the fish what lure I am using.

One consolation is that if I don't catch any fish I can always blame President Bush. Why not, everybody else does?
Ray Graham
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