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  Democrat Moul files to challenge Fortenberry [NE-01]
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Jan 17, 2006 04:08pm
CategoryElection Guide
News DateJan 17, 2006 04:00pm
DescriptionFormer Lt. Gov. Maxine Moul filed papers Tuesday to challenge Republican Jeff Fortenberry in his bid for a second term representing Nebraska's 1st Congressional District.

The Democrat said she was running because of concern that Congress is not addressing the many issues facing Nebraska and the district.

"Congress must devote its time to solve the spiraling federal debt and the failure of the new Medicare drug prescription plan to provide critical medications to our senior citizens," she said. "Instead, the House is bogged down with partisan bickering and is wasting time on issues that get in the way of decisions important to our country."

Moul said she believed that voters want a change in Congress "and a return to ethical behavior by this nation's leaders."

"We need good, honest people to turn Congress around and make it the institution it is meant to be, and must be, in order to provide the leadership the people of this district and the nation deserve," Moul said. "I have a record of providing solutions and results for the 1st District and Nebraska."
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