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   Halonen wins 1st round of Finnish presidency vote
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Jan 16, 2006 01:38am
News DateJan 16, 2006 01:00am
Descriptionncumbent Tarja Halonen won the first round of Finland's presidential election today, but must face a run-off vote against conservative former Finance Minister Sauli Niinisto, official results showed.

Halonen won 46.3 per cent of the popular vote, with Niinisto of the National Coalition Party second on 24.0 per cent and Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen of the Centre Party third with 18.6 per cent.

The two leading candidates will face each other in a second round on January 29. Five other candidates trailed in single figures, with 99.8 per cent of votes counted.
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