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  Lynn Swann Endorses Jim Matthews for Lieutenant Governor
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedScott³  Dec 21, 2005 04:54pm
News DateDec 21, 2005 04:00pm
DescriptionSwann Letter on PoliticsPA.com

An excerpt...
"Like anyone looking to take on an incumbent governor and change Pennsylvania, I can’t do it alone. I need your support - and I need a partner equally committed to changing this Commonwealth. I believe that Montgomery County Commissioner Jim Matthews is that partner and I plan to support his campaign for Lt. Governor."

"Furthermore, Jim will also bring strength to the ticket in one of the most important battleground areas. I know how important it is to improve our vote totals in Montgomery County and Southeastern Pennsylvania, and I am convinced that Jim is the type of running mate who can make that happen.

I’m proud to support Jim Matthews - your county commissioner - for Lt. Governor. I believe that together, with the help of a strong Montgomery County Republican Party, we can move Pennsylvania forward.

I am hopeful over the course of the next several weeks you and your fellow Republican State Committee members in Montgomery County will join my campaign for governor. A Swann/Matthews ticket is right for Pennsylvania. I hope that I can count on your support."
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