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  [Pittsburgh] City council's youngest member becomes its president
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Dec 07, 2005 03:34am
News DateDec 06, 2005 03:00am
DescriptionPittsburgh Post-Gazette article.

An excerpt...
" Pittsburgh City Council elected Luke Ravenstahl as its president today, making its youngest member its leader as it contends with a difficult city budget.

Councilman Gene Ricciardi, who has headed the city's nine-member legislature for nearly four years, stepped down from the post. Councilman Doug Shields nominated Mr. Ravenstahl for president. Councilman Len Bodack nominated Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle.

Because Mr. Ravenstahl was nominated first, council took a roll-call vote on his name. He received yes votes from Mr. Shields, Dan Deasy, Jim Motznik, Mr. Ricciardi, and himself - just enough to win the post.

Ms. Carlisle and William Peduto voted no, and Mr. Bodack and Sala Udin abstained. Because Mr. Ravenstahl won the post, no vote was taken on Ms. Carlisle's nomination.

"I am both honored and humbled by the support of my colleagues," said Mr. Ravenstahl, 25. He thanked Mr. Ricciardi for "the leadership you have displayed over the last four years."
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