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  Polls finds president's support down in state [NH]
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Last EditedArmyDem  Nov 26, 2005 11:11am
News DateNov 26, 2005 11:00am
DescriptionNovember 26, 2005

CONCORD, N.H. --Support in New Hampshire for the war in Iraq and for President Bush is dropping, according to a Concord Monitor poll.

Almost 60 percent of voters polled last week indicated they believed the war in Iraq was not worth fighting and 53 percent said they felt misled about whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

A majority of both Democrats and independents said they wanted soldiers out in a year or less while a majority of Republicans said they wanted the soldiers out within two years. Fewer than 20 percent of Republicans said troops should remain as long as it takes to get the job done.

Bush's job performance ratings also recorded a drop since a similar poll was taken in July. This summer, 44 percent of those polled rated Bush's performance as good or excellent. Only 39 percent gave him that rating this month. The majority, 56 percent, rated him as fair or poor.

The poll was conducted by Research 2000, a nonpartisan polling firm in Maryland. The results were based on interviews with 600 likely voters throughout the state on Nov. 20 and 22. Thirty seven percent of those interviewed were independents, 33 percent were Republicans and 30 percent were Democrats.
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