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  [Fmr Gov] Kitzhaber tied with [Gov] Kulongoski in latest [OR] governor poll
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Last EditedArmyDem  Nov 14, 2005 10:32pm
News DateNov 14, 2005 10:00pm
By BRAD CAIN / Associated Press

He says he's not even running for his old job, but former Gov. John Kitzhaber nonetheless is tied with Gov. Ted Kulongoski — who is seeking re-election — in a new public opinion survey of Democratic voters.

On the Republican side, the poll shows former state GOP chairman Kevin Mannix leading two opponents for the GOP gubernatorial nomination, but with a majority of Republicans saying they are undecided.

The survey by Portland pollster Mike Riley shows a surprising amount of support for a former governor who — while not ruling out a comeback bid — has said he has no plans to run at present, and lackluster backing for the current chief executive who claims some of the credit for an improving state economy.

In the Oct. 18-25 survey of 476 voters, 29 percent said they would be likely to vote for Kitzhaber, while 27 percent said they would back Kulongoski. That means they are in a statistical tie, since the difference between the two falls with the poll's margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

The other potential Democratic challengers all were in the single digits in the survey, which also showed that 36 percent of Democrats are undecided about their pick in the May 2006 gubernatorial primary.

While Kulongoski had a decisive edge over his challengers in an August poll, Riley said his latest survey demonstrates that the possible entry of Kitzhaber into the race has "radically changed the Democrats' primary election landscape."
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