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  Nigro Campaign Contributions Questioned
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedChronicler  Nov 02, 2005 08:20am
News DateNov 02, 2005 08:00am
DescriptionPublicly available documents suggest Nigro may be accepting illegal campaign contributions, according to the grassroots citizens' organization. After reviewing Nigro's campaign finance reports, PACleanSweep researchers uncovered thirty suspicious contributions, including thirteen which appear to be from sources prohibited by law.

"A quick glance at Nigro's campaign finance reports reveals that he is not in compliance with the law," said PACleanSweep Research Director Leo Knepper. "It's not one or two minor errors. Dozens of entries fail to pass the smell test. Many are incomplete."

Campaign finance law prohibits Nigro from receiving contributions from corporations and other associations, and require him to obtain and disclose the full name, address, occupation, and employer of persons who donate more than $250.

Nigro's campaign finance reports list 17 contributions without providing all required information. More troubling however, were 13 others attributed to law firms - totaling $53,925 - which appear to be illegal.
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