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  Jim Durkin running for return trip to the State House
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  Sep 14, 2005 07:04pm
CategoryElection Guide
News DateSep 14, 2005 07:00pm
Description82ND LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT - While most of the political talk in Republican circles of late has been on the possibility of a return of former Governor Jim Edgar, a veteran of the Illinois General Assembly is throwing his hat back in the ring for state representative.

Former three-term State Representative and 2002 GOP U.S. Senate nominee Jim Durkin has decided he will seek the legislative seat being vacated by retiring State Representative Eileen Lyons (R-Western Springs).

“It’s the place where I can make the best contribution to the state and to the party,” Durkin told IllinoisLeader.com today.

Durkin, a former Cook County prosecutor and who currently works as partner in the Lisle office of the law firm Wildman Harrold, had been openly interested in returning to public life. He had been considering a possible run for statewide office but settled on the legislative seat for family reasons.
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