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  John Shimkus decides to break term limits pledge
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Last EditedCOSDem  Sep 07, 2005 12:09pm
CategoryElection Guide
News DateSep 07, 2005 12:00pm
DescriptionMARION, Ill. Congressman John Shimkus has decided to break his promise not to serve in the U-S House for more than 12 years.

The Collinsville Republican announced that he's taking back the term-limit pledge while attending a Republican Party fund-raiser in southern Illinois over the weekend.

Supporters say Shimkus' announcement received a standing ovation from about 450 people gathered for the Pre-World Trotting Derby Banquet at the Williamson County Pavilion.

A spokesman today says the decision means that Shimkus is not only seeking re-election next year, but that he expects to try for a possible seventh term in 2008.
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