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  Kissinger 'Regrets' 1971 Comments on India
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Jul 01, 2005 09:11am
News DateJul 01, 2005 09:10am
DescriptionNEW DELHI - Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who derided India and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in a private 1971 conversation with President Nixon, expressed regret in an interview aired Friday and insisted the comments be viewed in the context of Cold War politics.

Kissinger told the New Delhi Television channel that Nixon's reference to Gandhi as an "old witch" — a comment revealed earlier this week in transcripts of Oval Office tapes and newly declassified documents — was "Nixon language."

"This was not a formal conversation. This was somebody letting off steam at the end of a meeting in which both President Nixon and I were emphasizing that we had gone out of our way to treat Mrs. Gandhi very cordially," Kissinger, 82, told NDTV. "There was disappointment at the results of the meeting. The language was Nixon language."

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