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  [LA Judge] Green Found Guilty Of Mail Fraud, But Jurors Ordered To Continue Deliberating
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Jun 29, 2005 08:31pm
CategoryLegal Ruling
News DateJun 29, 2005 08:30pm
DescriptionNEW ORLEANS -- A jury deliberating the fate of state district Judge Alan Green convicted him Wednesday on one count of mail fraud.

Green was charged with one count of racketeering, one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and five counts of mail fraud. The jury deadlocked on the most serious counts of racketeering and conspiracy, and U.S. District Judge Lance Africk declared a mistrial on those charges, meaning prosecutors could decide to try Green again.

On the remaining four mail fraud counts, the jury found Green not guilty.

But it doesn't end there.
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