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  Judge Alan Green Case Goes To Jury
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Jun 27, 2005 06:34pm
News DateJun 27, 2005 06:00pm
DescriptionNEW ORLEANS -- A jury is deliberating the case of a state district judge who federal prosecutors described as a corrupt politician who turned his court into a "branch office" for a bail bonding company in return for bribes.

Judge Alan Green is accused of taking more than $20,000 in cash, meals and golf outings from Bail Bonds Unlimited in exchange for setting affordable bonds for criminal defendants with the business going to the company.

Green was accused as the result of a long-running investigation into corruption at the Jefferson Parish Courthouse dubbed "Operation Wrinkled Robe."

Green is charged with one count of racketeering, one count of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and five counts of mail fraud. He has pleaded not guilty.
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