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  CLP suffers crushing Territory defeat
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ContributorUser 215 
Last EditedUser 215  Jun 20, 2005 01:01am
News DateJun 19, 2005 12:00am
DescriptionThe Northern Territory's Country Liberal Party is facing the prospect of losing its leader and half its members in Parliament after a landslide victory to Labor in yesterday's election.

The swing against the CLP was so large that Opposition Leader Denis Burke is almost certain to lose his seat, although he has not conceded it yet.

With postal and absentee votes still to be counted, Labor could have up to 19 seats in the 25-seat Parliament.

The CLP has held onto four seats but it is very tight in another three.

Chief Minister Clare Martin told the party faithful in Darwin last night she had no inkling Labor's victory would be so comprehensive.

"When I said over the last 19 days that this would be a close election, I genuinely believed it would be," she said.
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