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  Salvi may go after Bean's House seat
Parent(s) Race  -
Last EditedCOSDem  May 25, 2005 04:45pm
News DateMay 25, 2005 04:00pm
DescriptionRepublican Al Salvi said Tuesday it's "probable" that he will return to politics in hopes of ousting Rep. Melissa Bean in the northwest suburban 8th Congressional District.

A two-time statewide candidate, Salvi would be the biggest-name Republican to enter the race against the freshman Democrat, who scored an upset victory against Rep. Phil Crane in the GOP-drawn district last year.

"This is the first time in my life I have been the favorite," Salvi said. "And that makes me nervous. I usually feel more comfortable being the underdog."

The wealthy Mundelein lawyer said he will form an exploratory committee this week and then commission a poll to see if he is the strongest candidate before making a final decision within the next two weeks.

"My main concern is beating Melissa Bean," Salvi said. "Melissa Bean is, in my mind, very vulnerable and has done a poor job."
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