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  Bankroll Disparity Widens Sharply
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorThomas Walker 
Last EditedThomas Walker  May 16, 2005 12:59pm
News DateMay 14, 2005 12:00pm
DescriptionCouncilman Antonio Villaraigosa has raised $2.3 million more than incumbent James K. Hahn in the mayoral runoff campaign, giving him a huge financial advantage as he makes his closing argument to Los Angeles voters this weekend.

The last preelection finance reports, filed Friday with the city Ethics Commission, show that Villaraigosa has raised nearly $3.8 million, more than 2 1/2 times as much as the incumbent, who collected about $1.4 million.

Both candidates have received $1 million each in public matching money. With his money-raising advantage and the taxpayer funds, Villaraigosa has been able to spend $4.3 million on his runoff campaign, more than double the amount Hahn has spent.

The gap is most evident in spending on television, the primary way citywide candidates try to reach voters. Villaraigosa, a former state Assembly speaker, has spent $3 million, compared with $1.2 million by the mayor.
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