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  File this under ‘Oops’- McCrosson misses deadline (NJ Assy 01)
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Apr 13, 2005 02:16pm
News DateApr 13, 2005 02:15pm
Description"UPPER TOWNSHIP - -Republicans are scrambling to get Andrew McCrosson Jr.'s name on the primary ballot after he neglected to file a petition for state Assembly this week.

The petition deadline expired Monday. McCrosson said he thought his 1st District running mate, incumbent Assemblyman Jack Gibson, R-Cape May, Cumberland, Atlantic, included him in a joint petition. Instead, Gibson circulated and filed his own, as did independent Republican George Cecola and Democrats Jeff Van Drew and Nelson Albano.

"It's a little glitch," McCrosson said. "I didn't follow through in verifying that. We're exploring how to remedy that oversight.""

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