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  Austrian Freedom Party faces split
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Contributor411 Name Removed 
Last Edited411 Name Removed  Mar 13, 2005 01:02am
News DateMar 12, 2005 01:00am
DescriptionVIENNA, Austria -- Rightists shunned by Joerg Haider accused him Saturday of betrayal amid growing signs that his struggling party - once the most powerful of its kind in Europe - could break up over his switch from radicalism with an occasional Nazi-tinge to more pragmatic views.

Trying to stem eroding support, Haider sought peace with a radical young rival who has increased backing among those who have abandoned the politically flamboyant Austrian politician.

Haider, who stepped down as Freedom Party leader four years ago but has remained the party's most influential figure, also said he was ready to resume leading the federal party. But he insisted he would found a new party before making concessions to those farthest to the right, blaming them for the Freedom Party's massive decline in popularity.
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