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  Parties re-elect chiefs; Dunn wins vote in council bid
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Last EditedNone Entered  Jan 30, 2005 10:07am
News DateJan 30, 2005 12:00am
DescriptionReagan Dunn of Bellevue has moved closer to filling a vacant Metropolitan King County Council seat, while state GOP Chairman Chris Vance and Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt kept their jobs, in votes by party officials yesterday.

November's chaotic gubernatorial election has made its imprint on all three.

Dunn said yesterday that once he's on the County Council, he'll propose that the elections chief be directly elected in nonpartisan campaigns.

"We need to do a complete overhaul of the King County Elections Division," he said.

As the state's largest county, King County should work with other counties on reforms, he said. "The problem needs fixing, and we need to get after it."
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