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  Doris Matsui Opens Campaign Headquarters
Parent(s) Race  -
ContributorNone Entered 
Last EditedNone Entered  Jan 29, 2005 03:54am
News DateJan 28, 2005 12:00am
DescriptionWith just over a month to go until Sacramento's special election for Congress, the apparent frontrunner in the race opened her campaign headquarters Friday.

As the widow of long-time congressman Bob Matsui, Doris Matsui does have a huge advantage in terms of name recognition and political connections. But at least 11 other candidates think she is beatable.

At the official opening of her campaign headquarters in old Sacramento Friday, Doris Matsui spoke about memories of her late husband and their ties to Sacramento.

"It was Bob's hometown and my hometown. And we love it. And we have kept up with everything happening in Sacramento," Matsui said. She added that during her late husband's 26 years in Congress, they both regularly returned home to California. But exactly how much time did she spend in the respective locations?

"You know, I couldn't say. Enough time. I mean, I might have come back here monthly. I mean, as much as my husband has come back," Matsui said.
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