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  [Milwaukee] 5 charged in GOP tire slashings. 2 sons of prominent Democrats among those charged in tire slashings.
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Last EditedScott³  Jan 25, 2005 06:29am
News DateJan 24, 2005 12:00am
DescriptionMilwaukee Journal Sentinel article.

An excerpt..."Five Kerry-Edwards campaign staffers, including the sons of two prominent Milwaukee Democrats, were charged Monday with the election day tire slashings of 25 get-out-the-vote vehicles rented by Republicans.

Milwaukee County District Attorney E. Michael McCann announced the felony charges – each of which could result in a 3 1/2-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine - in a rare news conference.

“This isn’t what goes on all the time in Wisconsin,” McCann said. “I don’t think that it takes a great deal of acumen to estimate what the intent was.”

The men charged with flattening 40 tires include Michael Pratt, 32, the son of former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt, and Sowande A. Omokunde, 25, the son of U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee). According to the criminal complaint filed in the case, the five men conspired, without the knowledge of top Democratic Party officials, to plaster Republican Party headquarters on W. Capitol Drive with Democratic signs and stickers, something they dubbed Operation Elephant Takeover."
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