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  Hungarians unwanted in Romania census
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Last EditedRP  Jan 18, 2005 03:54pm
News DateMar 27, 2002 12:00am
DescriptionRomania has been frequently been criticised for trying to forget about its gypsy minority.

Now, a Romanian mayor is trying to enlist the support of local gypsies in his battle against what he sees as a worse problem, the large number of ethnic Hungarians in his town, Cluj.

The 1992 census figure showed that nearly 23% of Cluj's population was ethnic Hungarian.

Mr Funar, notorious for his hostility to ethnic Hungarians, is unhappy with that figure.

Under the Public Administration Law passed in Romania last year, if a national or ethnic minority makes up over 20% of the population of a given settlement, they have the right to street signs, schools, and official proceedings in their own language.
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